Education Committee
Chairperson: Barb Friedhoff
Scott Gregory
Scholarship Awards 2024

The Wooster/Orrville NAACP recently awarded five scholarships to area students totaling $7,400.
Recipients and their post-secondary education choices include:
Wooster High School graduates Aiden Holford, son of Ian & Alicia Holford - University of
Cincinnati, Zhade Ellis, son of Sterivon & Misha Ellis - University of Akron, and Jackson
Readinger, son of Alma Readinger - Ashland University.
Wayne County Career Center graduate Journey Kaleal, daughter of Janet & Jonathan
Kaleal - The Wayne County Career Center.
Smithville High School graduate, Shayna Lowe, daughter of Rex & Connie Lowe-Charleston Southern University.
The Wooster/Orrville NAACP’s goal is to ensure the political, educational, social,
and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.
Messages from Scholarship Winners...
click the videos below

Journey Kaleal

Aiden Holford
Zhade Ellis